Eric henry

In this episode of the Mindful Marketplace, host Joel Skene interviews Eric Henry, the president of TS Designs, a sustainable apparel company. The conversation covers various topics related to social entrepreneurship, sustainability, and the apparel industry. The chapters include discussions on worker ownership in the Appalachian economy, challenges in the stock market, debt relief initiatives, private investment in conservation finance, the impact of NAFTA on TS Designs, the triple bottom line approach, and TS Designs' status as the first apparel B Corp.


  • Worker ownership and democratized workplaces can contribute to building a resilient economy.

  • The stock market is becoming more challenging for value investors due to oversaturation of investment analysis and other factors.

  • Debt relief initiatives, such as the partnership between Morehouse College and the Debt Collective, can alleviate financial burdens and empower individuals.

  • Private investment in conservation finance, such as the Forest Resilience Bond, can support forest restoration and mitigate wildfire risk.

  • The apparel industry needs more transparency and a shift towards a triple bottom line approach that considers people, planet, and profit.

  • Questioning the assumption of two-pocket thinking can lead to business models that prioritize both profitability and social impact.

  • B Corps provide a certification and community for businesses committed to social and environmental responsibility.

Eric Henry, the founder of TS Designs, discusses the importance of triple bottom line business and the impact it can have on the world. He emphasizes the need for businesses to move away from two-pocket thinking and instead focus on the well-being of people, planet, and profit. Eric also highlights the importance of transparency in the supply chain and the role it plays in building trust with customers. He discusses the need for the fashion industry to reduce overproduction and focus on creating high-quality, sustainable products. Eric concludes by inviting listeners to connect with TS Designs and continue the conversation.


  • Triple bottom line business focuses on the well-being of people, planet, and profit.

  • Transparency in the supply chain builds trust with customers.

  • The fashion industry needs to reduce overproduction and create high-quality, sustainable products.

  • Consumers should be aware of greenwashing and seek out brands that are transparent and committed to sustainability.


Michael Shuman


Andy Bobowski